How we work with the UN’s global goals

In 2015, the countries of the world adopted the UN’s “Agenda 2030”, which comprises 17 overall global goals that the world wants to achieve by 2030. If these global goals are to be achieved, all operators at all levels of society must work with the goals in the areas where they can make the biggest difference. Iver has identified five goals where we can exert an influence in working towards sustainable development.



Goal 5: Gender equality

Men and women shall have the same rights, obligations, and opportunities. Iver operates in a sector where men are very much in the majority, but we are actively working to increase the number of female employees. All of our employees receive training in our Code of Conduct as part of our efforts to ensure our workplace is inclusive and welcoming for everyone.



Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 13: Climate action

The changeover to using sustainable energy sources and enhancing energy usage efficiency are vital in terms of reducing climate change. Iver wants to take responsibility for its environmental impact and is accordingly working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the group, and we measure and monitor the operations’ emissions continuously. We also make it easier for our customers to achieve their own sustainability goals through the services we offer, and make every effort to help all our employees choose sustainable means of transport, whether they are travelling on business or to and from work. 



Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

A secure and decent workplace with good preconditions for entrepreneurship, development, and innovation are the basis for a successful company. Iver endeavours to be one of the sector’s best workplaces for everyone, which is why we offer our staff the right options for training and development through our “My Journey” model.



Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Iver has zero tolerance for corruption and bribery. We have put internal training programmes in place for all of our employees to ensure that there is no corruption within our organisation. Information security and customer integrity are fundamental to our existence. Our work in this area is ongoing, and we both work preventatively and implement systemic measures in line with our information security policy and management system. We also have a clear preparedness system in place to handle any incidents that may arise.  



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